Monday, July 22, 2013

Random Thoughts on Speeding, Babies and Birthdays

Tickets – Yuck

My husband has the worst luck when it comes to speeding tickets. In the five-plus years that I have known him, my husband has had the misfortune to get several speeding tickets. Call it bad luck, call it bad timing or call it speeding, either way it’s not pretty.

Tonight we were busted just on the outskirts of Hammond, Wis., after having dinner with Eric’s daughter, Erin. As we sat in the car for about 15 minutes waiting for the cop to come back, we analyzed the situation. There was a car with Wisconsin tags in front of us going the same speed as we were but yet they weren't pulled over. Hmmm, we have Minnesota tags. I wonder if that was the problem.

Meanwhile as the minutes ticked by, we witnessed a number of other cars committing what seemed to be several other speed or driving infractions. Several cars sped past us on the side of the road, obviously going over the posted limited, and we witnessed irrational driving that almost resulted in an accident. But thankfully (insert sarcasm here), we were safely pulled over on the side of the road.

Thankfully there is a legal system that is in place that allows one to fight the ticket and have your day in court.
Royal Babies

I remember when Lady Diana and Prince Charles were married. I was just a kid and got up early so I could watch the wedding. At that time we barely had a VCR to watch movies, let alone taping something to watch it later. Then there was the birth of Prince William – again, before the age of social media.

Now, thank goodness for Facebook and Twitter because I never would have known that the royal prince was born. At least, not within moments of the baby’s birth anyway! Having lived in Scotland for a semester in college, I like to think that I have some reason to be interested in the royal family. At least I haven't obsessed over this latest event like others have. I heard on the news tonight that some 25 percent of Americans admitted to closely following the expected birth. Huh, too bad it seems more people in the States are interested in this birth than voting.

Significant Birthdays
Me at age 4
My birthday is this week. I'll be 45. Most people freak out over birthdays like this – or those that end in zero like 40 or 50. Not me. I freak out the year prior. I went off the deep end at 29 and 34 wasn’t much better. At 39 I decided to run a marathon by the time I was 40 and I did. Age 44 brought some angst but not like other years. Maybe I'm getting comfortable in my own skin and recognizing who I am. Maybe it’s just too tiring to get hung up on age. All I know is I'm happy I'm alive another year to celebrate because I don't care for the alternative. 

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