Friday, January 19, 2024

Buggsy Amundson - 2011-2023

Buggsy watching birds . . . 
Buggsy “Shamus O’Drool” Amundson died on 12/31/23 after a tumor was discovered and it was learned he was suffering from severe internal bleeding. Also known as Bugger, Chubbs, Chubbers, Buggsy Boy, Tubbers and Buggsy Bear, he was a courageous and fearless dog up until the end.

Buggsy, who spent his first two-plus years in an animal shelter in Georgia, arrived at his forever home on March 25, 2013. Eric’s daughter, Erin, found Buggsy when the family visited the St. Paul Humane Society. Erin said, “What about this fella?” and with that, Buggsy joined the family. At first, Buggsy was a momma’s boy and stuck to Cheri’s side. That quickly changed once Eric introduced Buggsy to the concept of ice cream cones, long walks around Lake Phalen, and rides that sometimes included chili dogs and other tasty treats.

The first few years were a bit bumpy as Buggsy was a rambler. He would jump the fence or find a hole in it and wander around the neighborhood. He visited the Johnson High School girls’ locker room, went for long runs with strangers and was even dropped off in front of the house once after jumping in the car several blocks (and miles) away.

Soon, however, a pattern emerged where Buggsy would spend time just down the block with his Husky friend, Duke, and his owner, Sharon. Every day, “Auntie Sharon” would call to ask, “Can Buggsy come out to play?” It was a phone call that Buggsy greatly anticipated. Eric would open the back gate and Buggsy would run down the alley to greet Sharon and Duke where he would spend several hours watching cars, digging holes and doing what dogs do – hanging out and woofing.

Buggsy with his best buddy, Cocoa.
Tragedy struck when a fire took Sharon and Duke and it greatly saddened Buggsy. He did not understand where his friends went and why he didn’t get to play with them anymore. Luckily, a new friend, Cocoa, moved in next door a few months later and the two became quick friends and eventually would become brother and sister.

Moving to Wisconsin in 2016 meant big changes for Buggsy – he no longer had a fenced-in yard the size of a postage stamp but rather several acres where he and Cocoa could dig to their heart’s content. With an occasional wild animal (or turkey) to chase, the two managed to make things lively at their new home. With the move came longer rides in the Buggsy-mobile or, eventually, in the truck that Buggsy just loved – The Grizz.

The move also brought a few new girls into Buggsy’s life – neighbor dog Tessa, who was his nemesis, and neighbor dog Munchie, who was Buggsy’s steady girlfriend from day one. Munchie and Buggsy would chase each other and bite each other’s ears . . . They truly loved one another.

A new location meant different kinds of walks and different kinds of rides – but ice cream cones and chili dogs were still a big favorite for Buggsy. Other favorites for Bugger included listening to the Scorpions – his favorite song was “Still Loving You” and guarding chewies from Munchie and Cocoa. Truth be told, he would also go on morning walkabouts to Tessa’s where he would steal a chewie from her – just so she would bark at him as he walked away.

He loved to play tug – not fetch. He wanted you to grab that ball and try and take it. It was fun to have one person tug the ball and the other tickle Buggsy to make him “growl” and act fierce. Another antic by Buggsy was being sheriff as he would make sure the other dogs behaved. In addition to being the sheriff, Buggs was also a therapy dog and would comfort Eric whenever he was needed. Buggsy knew how to nudge Eric just right so he could get a belly rub or a scruff and help put things into perspective.

Buggsy was preceded in death earlier this year by cat brother, Oscar “Little Bastard” Johnson. He is survived by his parents, Eric and Cheri, who are lost without having their trusty canine by their side; his dog sister, Cocoa, and cat sisters, Lillian and Lucy. Lucy will especially miss chasing “Grandpa Buggs’” tail in the evenings. 

Buggsy - Circa 2015

Eric & Buggsy - best buds!

Buggsy & Cocoa - circa 2020

The Three Muskadogs - Cocoa, Munchie & Buggsy